Tips to make 2022 your financial year!

It’s 2022. We made it! Another year in the books and another year to get on top of our finances.

Woman using her computer and a calculator to look over her finances

A lot of blogs are posting their top tips for your personal finances in 2022, and, well, we’re no different. There is a lot of information out there, and we want to make sure that you are getting the best advice to be able to make informed decisions.

We will always suggest speaking to an expert, whether one from our team of your own accountant or financial advisor, but to get you started on making 2022 the year of finance, here are some tips on starting that journey.

Take a look into the past…

We’re not talking about life regression hypnosis or anything. Looking back over the last year of your finance will help you have a look at where your money came from and where it went. If you have a budget in play, January is a great time to review it and see what adjustments can be made.

If you don’t already have a budget, taking your bank and credit card statements and making a timeline of debits and credits can help you get a clearer picture of what you can do differently in 2022.

Man sitting in front of a laptop watching an online course.

Time to dust off your learning hat…

While the pandemic has made sure that the grocery store has some limits to their supply, the supply of online learning is never short. Sites like Skillshare and Udemy are amazing resources to upskill yourself on a variety of topics. They also include some informative financial literacy courses that can give you the confidence to start investing or getting into cryptocurrency. These sites, and others like them, also get into the basics of budgets and financial literacy.

Whatever platform you decide is your learning tree, sit under it and gain some new skills that will make 2022 the year of financial freedom.

Write it down and get started!

If you have particular financial goals this year, paying off a loan or your mortgage, write it down. It’s been proven that writing a goal or task down means that it’ll stick with you longer as almost a written contract with yourself that you’ll achieve it.

The next step is an easy one; get started. If you want to invest, there are plenty of articles about how easy it is to get investing; here’s our one. While it’s easy to make a plan and learn some new skills, the hard part and the part that will take discipline is getting started.

There is help available right now if you need some coaching to get started. Our team of experts has decades of experience in helping people get on their journey to Less Debt More Life, and they can help you too.

Make 2022 your financial year so that in 2023 you can look back at today as the day that changed everything for the better.

Less Debt More Life™

You work hard for your money – imagine your peace of mind knowing your money is working hard for you. Our Mortgage Action Plan delivers guaranteed results and allows you to start living the life you deserve.


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